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Today is February 23, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ulster, NY

location-map Ulster , NY

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location-map Ulster , NY | (845) 694 4343

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As a dynamic therapist bringing over 25 years of experience, I can help you to appreciate who you are today, while helping you to make positive changes. No matter what your inner or outer circumstances, I can help you to be more at ease with them while you are at the same time doing what you can to improve yourself and your situation. We all face challenges in our lives, with our fears, emotions, moods, family, friends, jobs, addictions, aging, body and identity. We wish something to be different but are struggling with making or knowing what to change. I can help you to reduce your suffering today,and feel more lovable while you are growing helping you to determine what needs to change and how to do it. I can help you to have a conversation with fearful future unknowns, or past ghosts reducing their power over you. I specialize in mindfulness based approaches. I make frequent use of CBT in my practice and integrate many DBT concepts. I have done much work with addictions using a harm reduction model. I work with individuals, couples, families, and young adults.

location-map Ulster , NY | (845) 630 1857

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My work guides others to greater levels of fulfillment, well-being, and abundance. I help my clients experience lasting transformation and multidimensional shifts in their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Through emotional integration, my clients elevate their vibrational frequency and create lives of authenticity, integrity, harmony, and fulfillment. I have over 3500 hours of experience working 1:1 with clients all around the world of all different ages and abilities, from inpatient psychiatric hospitals in Poland and rural rehabilitation centers to boardrooms in Manhattan and remote wellness retreats. As a licensed therapist, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Certified HeartMath Practitioner, and Board Certified Life Coach, I specialize in helping my clients create sustainable lifestyle shifts, feel their best, and connect with the Truth of who they are by releasing long-held energetic patterns that block authentic self-expression. If you are interested in learning more about my work and how I can help, don't hesitate to reach out. I offer a free consultation to qualified candidates, in which we will clarify your intentions and determine if my services are the right next step for you. If it's a good fit, we will develop a custom roadmap for our work together.